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Chinese translation for "weather related"


Related Translations:
weather plane:  天气侦察飞机
weather tight:  不透风雨的防风雨的风雨密
weather effect:  气候影响天气影响
intensely weathered:  强烈风化的
weather message:  气象电报气象电文天气报告
weathering testt:  耐候性试验
weather adjustment:  气候调整天气调整装置
weather region:  天气区
weather central:  天气预报中心天气中心
Example Sentences:
1.Aviation weather related papers and articles
2.In the last decade and a half , we had a series of record high temperatures and more intense weather related natural disasters
3.To improve accuracy of forecasting , all the facts , such as influence of basic load , temperature , weather related sensitive factors and festive national holidays are considered systematically and simultaneously
4.For about two months i was involved in aviation weather related work . my main duty was to assist in computer programming so that forecasters may interactively access data from the wind profilers through the computer network
5.For about two months i was involved in aviation weather related work . my main duty was to assist in computer programming so that forecasters may interactively access data from the wind profilers through the computer network
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